My RV12 Build
Most of the construction on the RV12 was done evenings after work and weekends. The empennage and wing kits were completed quickly and started the fuselage kit a few months later in Nov. Most of that section was still assembled in the living room, but relocated to the garage once it became almost too big to get out the door.
The final RV12 assemble joining the 3 kits was done at the airport in Limerick PA Winter 2012. With the help from my friends finally instillation of the Rotax and Avionics were completed quickly.
Stephen and Sadie Valcik designed the paint scheme for my RV12 and off to paint (Jim Russells aircraft painting) in April 2012. Final assembly was completed in Aug and July, after 11 months and 805 hours she received her airworthy inspection as an EAB RV12
This build has been one of the most satisfying projects I have ever done. The enjoyment of building and being a part of the RV community has been better than I ever could imagine.
Now that I am flying about 100 + hours a year it is even better. :)
I chose to build as a RV12 EAB instead of an E-LSA with the following modifications;Sensench Ground adjustable 3 bladeAdjustable oil cooler shutter system for cold weather flyingTosten gripsAvionics & ElectricalDual Grand Rapids HXGarmin SL30Garmin 796NavWorx ADS-bVertical PowerFlap indicatorExternal AlternatorMoeller mechanical fuel gauge sight gaugeBulkhead modification for access without removing the fuel tankFairingsVertical StabHorizontal StabGear legs FairingsWheel pants
Since my build in 2012
I have keep up with the SBs and completed the following upgrades Upgraded the GRT to HXr touchReplace Navworks ADSB with uAvionics3 blade Sensinch with the newer 3 bladeEdge Big Bore Kit
Fun Fact for a comparison